SEPA Credit Transfer Curriculum
How long does the training last?
2 days online or physical classroom for the whole curriculum. You can take each day according to your schedule.
When is the next session?
Sessions are scheduled every 2 months. But you can request specific sessions for your teams.
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350 Rue Lecourbe , Paris, France
+ 33 9 51 04 98 20
SEPA Fundamentals
Understand the four corner Model of the SEPA Credit Transfer scheme and how the SCT clearing, settlement and market infrastructures work
Master the SEPA Scheme Messages
Master the structures of the SEPA Credit Transfer scheme messages and explain the difference between the SEPA implementation guidelines and the ISO 20022 standard
SEPA Credit Transfer Processing
Decompose and analyze the value chain of the SEPA Credit Transfer processing (Payment Acquisition and reporting, Payment Order management, Payment Exchange)
Accounting Concepts
Grasp basic accounting concepts, get a presentation of the payment engines and the applications they are interfaced with in the bank’s IT System
Who Can Take this Curriculum
Payments professionals (Business Analyst, Consultant, Project Manager, Architect, Quality Engineer) beginners or experienced who want to master the basics of payments and payments systems.
There is no prerequisite for this curriculum
About the SEPA Credit Transfer Curriculum
In this curriculum you will get all the tips to quickly understand domestic payments and the SEPA Credit Transfer. You will learn everything you need to know and that is not available in the SCT rulebooks and implementation guidelines. You will discover unique tips to get and stay on top of the SEPA Credit Transfer.
The SEPA Credit Transfer curriculum consists of two courses that take you step-by-step from the basic to the advanced concepts related to SCT payments. You get precious information and tips to provide a great contribution to any SCT payment project.
Curriculum Content
Course 1 – Understand and Master the SEPA Credit Transfer
The Understand and Master the SEPA Credit Transfer Course was designed for people who work in the payment industry or who want to understand how the SEPA Credit Transfer really works.
Module 1 – Introduction to SEPA and SEPA Payments
- Definition of SEPA
- The SEPA Geographical Area
- What is a SEPA Payment Scheme?
- The Four SEPA Payments Schemes
- The main SEPA Payments Initiatives
- The Payment Services Directive
- The Payment Services Directive 1 and 2
- The European Payments Council
- The EPC scheme documents
- SEPA Payments Schemes publications – The calendar and main milestones
- The Payment Service Providers in SEPA
- The generic Four Corner Model for all SEPA Payments
- SCT and SCT Inst are push payments
- SDD Core and SDD B2B are pull payments
- SEPA payments rely on open international standards
- Few statistics in different European countries
- Assessment Quiz
Module 2 – The SCT scheme documents and the Four Corner Model
- The Four Corner Model is at the basis of the SCT
- The SCT scheme and the Four Corner Model
- The SCT scheme rules are described in the EPC Rulebooks
- The EPC documents for the SEPA Credit Transfer
- The Main documents
- Other interesting EPC documents for SCT implementation projects
- Other useful resources for the SCT Implementation projects
- An important tip for reading new versions of the main EPC documents
- The Four Corners: What are they ?
- End parties in the SCT Four Corner Model
- The Payment Service Providers in SEPA
- The PISP and the Four Corner Model
- Assessment Quiz
Module 3 – Clearing, Settlement and Market infrastructures of the SCT
- Clearing and settlement systems in the Four Corner Model
- Clearing and Settlement – Definitions
- Market infrastructures of the SEPA Credit Transfer
- Separation of the scheme and the infrastructures – What does it mean?
- SCT Scheme compliant clearing systems and their categories
- Common characteristics of CSM
- Interoperability of clearing systems
- Interoperability at CSM level – What it implies
- The two models of connections to CSM in the SEPA Area
- Prioritization of clearing systems during the payment processing
- Types of processing cycles in clearing systems
- Participation Directory of a Clearing system
- Interconnections of CSM
- Assessment Quiz
Module 4 – The messages exchanged in SCT Scheme
- The LIMF Method applied to payment schemes
- The messages exchanged in the SCT Scheme are found in the Implementation guidelines
- Overview of all messages listed in the SCT Implementations Guidelines
- Overview of all messages listed in the SCT IG and Customer Reporting messages
- SEPA Message names are inherited from the ISO 20022 standard
- Structure and meaning of SEPA message names
- Overview of all messages listed in the SCT IG and Customer Reporting messages
- Messages in the Customer-to-bank space
- Customer to Bank Instruction and PSR messages (Pain.001 and Pain.002)
- Bank to Customer Reporting messages (Camt.052, Camt.053, Camt.054)
- Messages in the Interbank space
- Pacs.008.001.02 (SCT), Pacs.002.001.03 (Rejet SCT), Pacs.004.001.02 (Return SCT), Camt.056.001.01 (Recall), Pacs.028.001.01 (Request for Status update), Camt.029.001.03 (Negative Response to Recall)
- Camt.027.001.06 (SCT Inquiry – Claim non-receipt), Camt.029.001.08 (Response to claim non-receipt), Camt.087.001.05 (SCT Inquiry – Claim for Value Date correction), Camt.029.001.08 (Response to Claim for Value Date correction)
Module 5 – Messages in the Customer-to-Bank space: the Standard ISO 20022 and SCT Implementations Guidelines
- Introduction to the standard ISO 20022
- Standard ISO 20022 and Payments
- Syntax and semantics in the standard ISO 20022
- ISO 20022 specifications and the SEPA Implementation Guidelines (IG)
- Message elements available in the Standard ISO 20022 and their usage in SEPA
- Comparison of SEPA IG and ISO 20022 specifications
- Summary of differences between SEPA IG and ISO 20022 specifications
- SEPA CORE Payments and Additional Optional Services (AOS)
- Different types of Additional Optional Services (AOS)
- Overview of all messages listed in the SCT IG and Customer Reporting messages
- Deep dive into customer-to-bank messages used in the SCT Scheme
- Pain.001.001.03 and Pain.002.001.03
- Camt.052.001.02, Camt.053.001.02 and Camt.054.001.02
- Assessment Quiz
Module 6 – Messages in the Interbank space: the Standard ISO 20022 and SCT Implementations Guidelines
- Reminder : the GAIM method to apprehend SEPA messages is very powerful
- Summary of differences between SEPA IG and ISO 20022 specifications
- Deep dive into messages used in the Interbank Space of the SCT Scheme
- Pacs.008 message structure
- Pacs.004 message structure and reason codes
- Camt.056 message structure
- Pacs.028 message structure
- Camt.029.001.03 message structure and reason codes in SEPA
- Camt.027 message structure
- Camt.087 message structure
- Camt.029.001.08 message structure
- Camt.029.001.08 response codes in SEPA
- Assessment Quiz
Module 7 – The main features of the SEPA Credit Transfer
- Main features of the SEPA Credit Transfer
- The SCT uses the IBAN as account identifier
- The SCT uses the BIC as Bank identifier
- The SCT allows only shared fees
- The SCT is a non-urgent transfer
- The SCT execution time is maximum one business day
- The SCT allows amounts exclusively in EUR
- The SCT can carry up to 140 characters unstructured or structured Remittance Information
- The SCT can transport ultimate debtor and ultimate creditor Information
- The SCT is independent of acquisition and clearing channels
- Assessment Quiz
Module 8 – SCT Payment Processing value chain: Acquisition and Reporting
- Payment processing value chain (from bank’s perspective)
- Payment processing value chain – Inside the bank
- Payment channels
- Third Party Providers channels
- File Transfer channels
- File Transfer channels and the communication protocols
- Security in file transfer channels – the main challenges
- Security is achieved through the use of cryptography techniques
- Asymmetric encryption mechanisms use pairs of keys
- Asymmetric encryption mechanisms – how it works
- Asymmetric mechanisms – combination of hash functions and keys
- Asymmetric mechanisms – the reality (is a bit more complex)
- Digital Certificate or public key certificate
- Summary of encryption mechanisms
- The EBICS Protocol
- Encryption in the EBICS Protocol
- EBICS Protocol – The summary
- SWIFTNet and the SWIFTNet Protocols
- Acquisition and Reporting agreements
- Practical example to illustrate how it works
- Typical requirements
- Users and College of Signatories
- Typical checks and outcomes
- Assessment Quiz
Module 9 – SCT Payment Processing value chain: Order Management
- Payment processing value chain (from bank’s perspective)
- Payment processing value chain – Inside the bank
- Payment order management – Introduction and generality
- Payment order management for the SEPA Credit Transfer
- Single-beneficiary and Multi-beneficiary payment orders
- POM Payment processing steps
- POM functions and services
- Payment parsing and validation
- IBAN validation and verification
- BIC / IBAN coherence check
- NAR validation and enrichment
- Dates and the related controls
- Dates – Processing time, Calendar and Business days
- Dates – Open Business days
- Duplicate checks
- POM functions and services
- Processing agreements
- Service Execution speed
- Service Requested execution date as Settlement date
- Service Duplicate checks
- Service Late modification
- Service percentage of erroneous transactions
- Service management of erroneous orders / operations
- Service deferred cut-off
- Service accounting methods for booking entries
- Pending order management
- Balance check
- Routing and issuing
- Assessment Quiz
Module 10 – SCT Payment Processing value chain: Payment exchange
- Payment processing value chain (from bank’s perspective)
- Payment processing value chain – Inside the bank
- Payment Exchange Platform (PEP)
- Payment exchange platform – A focal point
- PEP functions and services
- Sanctions screening
- PEP and Routing directories
- SEPA Routing Directory and other CSM directory
- Participation directories versions
- Payment Exchange Platform – Bulking and Debulking
- Assessment Quiz
Course 2 – Secrets for your SEPA Credit Transfer Projects
The Secrets for your SEPA Credit Transfer projects Course was designed for people who deliver payment projects and want to become highly skilled payment professionals.
Module 1 – Booking and the SEPA Credit Transfer
- Introduction to Booking
- The double entry bookkeeping principle
and accounting events - Examples of accounting events to illustrate the double entry principle
- Different types of bank accounts
- Booking and non-booking transactions
- Creditor bank pacs.008 (SCT) booking
- Creditor bank pacs.004 (Return) booking
- Creditor bank pacs.004 (Pos. response) booking – the amounts
- Creditor bank pacs.004 (Positive response) booking
- Debtor bank credit transfer pain.001 and pacs.008 booking – Order with one transaction
- Debtor bank credit transfer pain.001 and pacs.008 booking – Order with ten transactions
- Debtor bank pacs.004 (normal return) booking
- Debtor bank pacs.004 (positive response) booking
- Correspondent banking in domestic payments – Nostro, Vostro and Loro accounts
- Correspondent banking in domestic payments – Nostro and Vostro accounts
- Shadow and mirror accounts
- Shadow and mirror accounts – Illustration with an account relationship between DP and IP
- Real and Mirror accounts in end-to-end the processing of a SCT
- Real and Mirror accounts in settlement between IP and DP
- Reconciliation of real and mirror accounts
- Example of reconciliation with single booking between IP and DP
- Assessment Quiz
Module 2 - Account Balance Management
- Challenges of Account balance management
- Challenge 1 of account balance management
- Challenge 2 of account balance management
- Customer account balance management : the ideal and the reality for banks
- Balance Management System (BMS)
- Intraday balance and account balance
- Challenge 1 with a BMS system
- Challenge 2 with a BMS system
- Introduction to merge accounts
- Balance Management for merge accounts – Payment initiation
- Balance Management for merge accounts – Payment reception
- Assessment Quiz
Module 3 – Payment engines
- Introduction to payment engines
- Payment engines interact with many systems in the bank
- Payment engines and Payment Services Hubs
- Payment engines and the payment processing value chain
- Finding the Payment engines in your projects
- Example 1 of payment engines application architecture
- Example 2 of payment engines application architecture
- Example 3 of payment engines application architecture
- Example 4 of payment engines application architecture
- Options for Payment engines Implementation
- Main actors of PE implementation projects
- Few payment engines for SEPA Payment Processing
- Assessment Quiz
Module 4 – Payment engines integration into the Bank IT landscape
- Payment engines interact with many systems in the bank
- Interfaces
- Interfaces play a crucial role in payment processing
- Synchronous messaging (or communication)
- Asynchronous messaging (or communication)
- 2-way asynchronous communication
- Challenges of asynchronous communication
- Batch Mode
- Transactional Mode
- Surrounding systems of a payment engine (POM)
- Authentication & rights
- Channels
- CSM and SWIFT Directories
- Customer Referentials
- Fraud detection
- Surrounding systems of a payment engine (POM)
- Accounting systems
- Audit log or Audit Trail
- Pricing & Billing
- Archiving
- Reporting
- Data warehouse & Statistics
- Monitoring
- The Scheduler
- Investigations
- Surrounding systems of a payment engine (PEP)
- Screening
- Intrabank and Interbank Networks
- Assessment Quiz
Module 5 – Payment engine and the Graphical User Interface
- Introduction to Graphical User Interfaces
- Navigation menu on the left of the page
- Navigation menu on top of the page
- Payment instruments and the GUI
- Payment engines GUI – Naming and organizing the menu items
- Payment capture – Key principles
- SEPA Payment capture – Best practices
- Payment information displayed on the GUI
- Examples of pain.001 and pacs.008
- Original transactions and related transactions (R-transactions)
- Original transactions and R-transactions on the GUI
- Reconciliation of R-transactions
- Linking original and r-transactions on the GUI
- The 3270 screens
- Assessment Quiz
Module 6 - Payment engine User rights and actions
- User actions – introduction
- User rights, user roles and users – the overview
- User rights and user roles
- Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and User roles
- Illustration of user role and RBAC on menu items
- The search and search criteria
- Generic search steps
- Tips and suggestions about search screens
- The worklist items (WLI)
- The worklist items should be pushed
- The worklist items (WLI) should be exhaustive
- Prioritization of worklist items
- Messages on the worklist items
- Messages on the worklist items – Clarity, training and documentation
- Audit log or audit trail – Logging of actions
- Settings and parameters
- Assessment Quiz
Module 7 – State machine diagrams of payment entities
- Introduction to State machine diagrams
- Examples of State machine diagrams
- The light bulb
- The door
- The entities of a payment message
- Process flows of the payment entities
- Message – State machine diagram
- Order – State machine diagram
- Transaction – State machine diagram
- State diagrams and booking
- Assessment Quiz
Module 8 - Scope of your SCT project
- What is your SCT project about ?
- SCT messages and your project
- Which messages are in scope of your project?
- Messages in the customer-to-bank space
- The Originator bank interbank messages
- The Beneficiary bank interbank messages
- Messages exchanged with Clearing systems
- Messages exchanged with EBA STEP2 (SCT Scheme)
- The Payment processes – few key concepts
- The rulebooks contain high-level processes
- Typical processes in scope of an SCT project
- The processes in your SCT project
- The applications in scope of your project
- The geographical scope
- Internal and external customers
- Assessment Quiz
Module 9 – Information system architectures
- Why the architectural approach
- The challenges
- The objectives
- The Architectural approach – What is it?
- How the architectural plans relate to each other
- The process architecture
- The functional architecture
- The functional architecture with sub-functional blocks
- Functional architecture – a payment exchange platform
- The Application architecture
- Application architecture – data flows
- Application architecture – Integration tools
- The technical architecture
- Technical architecture – Load balancing and high availability
- Assessment Quiz
Jean Paul | Paymerix co-founder
Yves Cardinal | Trainer at Paymerix
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